What happens when an F5 tornado roars through Dupont?  As any good Southerner knows when a "cloud blows up", you seek refuge and safety in the family designated Tornado Closet.  Prodvided, of course, you can sqeeze past the Christmas ornaments.

When a dangerous storm approaches this backwater burg, LaDonna and Pearl race to the home of Cletus and Estelle Lock for shelter.  With these four strong personalities trapped in the "tornady" closet, the storm raging inside is more fierce than the one raging out.

This 14 minute short was featured at the New York Independent Film Festival in Los Angeles.

Written by Mark Landon Smith and co-directed by Julie Gable and Smith, "Dupont, Mississippi:  F5" stars Dianna Blaylock, Vickie Hilliard, Patricia Kulish Long, Valarie Andrews, Warren Rosenaur and Mike Thomas.

Northwest Arkansas' Professional Fringe Theatre Company

A scene from the Ceramic Cow Productions film "Dupont, Mississippi:  F5"; featured at the New York International Independent Film Festival in Los Angeles.  Featuring Warren Rosenaur, Mike Thomas and Vickie Hilliard.